Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My No Drama Sandy Story

My part of The Bronx, NY escaped the storm with only minor damage. My thoughts are with everyone who is struggling out there.

Here is  a photo I took from my window before the storm arrived. Things looked very ominous..


As you can imagine I spent the day glued to the TV and Social Media. Sadly I saw and image online and shared on Facebook and Twitter  which turned out to be from the movie The Day After Tomorrow. I am usually not gullible but with the wind howling outside I was willing to believe anything.


My only saving grace was I was not alone Mashable have a collection of images people were sharing by mistake 

7 Fake Hurricane Sandy Photos You’re Sharing on Social Media

This is from the immediate area around my apartment. As you can see I am very lucky compared to people nearby.



I am not sure if I will be able to get back into Manhattan for work and the Halloween parade but that is minor compared what some people are going through.