I hope everybody has a wonderful day and remember the idea is FLOAT THE SHAMROCK DON’T DROWN IT. I have had an interesting start to the Irish themed month so far and have had more posts in a short period of time than at any time in the past. I thought I would take this opportunity to share a few links in my Irish food series and a couple of older Irish themed posts for you to check out.
While St. Patrick’s day is a great day for me to celebrate everything Irish coincidentally it was on March 17th 2005 that I was sworn in as a US citizen so I can never remember if I am American-Irish or Irish-American.
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Please remember I am keeping my Irish food link up open and would love to see your favorite Irish Themed Food Posts. Pop over and see what everyone has being sharing.
I do not go to the NYC parade every year, in fact I have been out of town the past few years. But a year I will never forget was the parade following 9-11. As you can imagine emotion was running very high. I would consider this photo one of my best ever when it comes to capturing how a lot of people were feeling at a single moment in time. I was able to find this guy using his collar pins and get copies of this to him
The picture above is create from some photos I took in Chicago at the Smith Museum of Stained Glass quite a few years back.