You would think associating a flea market with a food fair would not be good marketing but Williamsburg being the funky neighborhood it is manages to pull it off.........
The sun was a little high in the sky so photography was difficult but I gave it my best shot.
One of the toughest parts of the fair is the amount of choices you have. I ended up buying (there was two of us) two porchetta sandwiches, a couple of hotdogs and and an order of sausage Terriyaki balls. The food was excellent but as you walked around and seen other peoples plates you kept thinking you wanted to try that. So just based on the choices I will be making a return trip.
Along with the food truck type vendors there are also some cool food products and a green market.
Of course an added bonus of the market site right on the Brooklyn waterfront is a great view of the Manhattan skyline.
We ended our day walking over the Williamsburg bridge and seen a neighborhood still in transition unlike the area directly around the market site which is fully gentrified.
In this set you can even see the shuttered Domino’s sugar plant.
So get yourself to Brooklyn on a Saturday and go hungry.